Welcome to Vaccines and Plandemics - These zany rascals are sure having a significant impact on things lately huh.  Here's where the Grendelcat ruminates about it a bit.

[Last Update: February 3rd, 2023.  Last Overhaul: January 13th, 2022]

No Quarter Being Given As The Debate Rages On About Vaccines

    Why is the argument always about all vaccines?  My main gripe with this debate is that there is an obvious effort to force the discussion into a false dichotomy.  Either you're blindly in favor of every dang vaccine ever invented, thrilled to inject each new one that comes along into your infant, on whatever schedule is trend de jeur conjured up by your infallible bureapolitical governance institution . . . . or . . . . you're an ignorant monster who's primitive brain can't comprehend statistics enough to understand the overall benefit effective vaccines can have for society.  Your arguments reference rare adverse reaction anecdotes or "only God can save us" to rally more monsters to your cause.  Such deviant behaviors are condemning society to perpetual epidemics by destroying herd immunity.  And so it goes.  These are the only 2 teams, and no others are in the tourney.  T'ain't nuthin' in between.

    On the Pro-vax side, a core principle is to actively shut down debate by the peasantry.  There is a rational reason for this.  It has taken an enormous amount of effort to achieve enough comprehensive worldwide vaccine usage to actually exterminate a disease.  Some cultures have superstitious or religious vaccine fears that can be nearly impossible to overcome.  Total success has been achieved only once so far - with the eradication of Smallpox, saving an estimated 5 million lives annually.  Polio is very close to being ended as well.  One of the most difficult challenges to achieving these success stories is the critical requirement to achieve as close to 100% compliance in vaccination deployments as possible.  Other mechanisms can play a vital role such as regional isolation and rapid outbreak identification and quarantine.  However increased ease of travel has limited this effect in most parts of the world.

    There are some fundamental problems with 100% compliance measures for vaccines or isolation.  The concepts are in opposition to human free will.  They require forcing everyone to do something, or not do something.  No exceptions.  Not for religious reasons.  Not for people with horrible phobias of needles.  Not even if it is noted that a high incidence of terrible side effects are cropping up.  The only equation is this one.  Is the short term pain of some adverse reactions worth the long term gain of permanently destroying a disease?  In the case of Smallpox, Polio and the other horrific diseases we're closing in on, the answer has been a resounding yes.  When millions of lives are on one side of the equation if a disease can be stopped, what free will argument can compete with the human rights of so many disease victims to be alive instead of dead or crippled?  The problems come in when results are not as successful.  When things in that equation change.

    Every vaccine is different for every disease.  Vaccine production methods vary widely presenting cumulative unknown risks with each new protocol.  Methods used to produce vaccines can come with some fairly twisted side effects.  To get into this further, we'll need to get into a bit about how vaccines work.  The basic idea of a vaccine is to first find the parent strain of a target virus that shares similar traits with as many child and related strains as possible.  The popular term patient 0 is often kicked around in outbreak movies, but the reason patient 0 matters is often a bit too deep for Brad Pitt or whoever to dig into.  Viruses mutate very quickly and as they work through a population, they grab parts of their host's DNA and/or RNA along the way, generating new strains rapidly as the outbreak progresses.  Patient 0 is the person the farthest back in the virus's family tree whom all strains of the virus came from.  When the vaccine is developed from this strain, the unique compounds it produces are the most likely to also exist in all strains further down the family tree.  Thereby teaching vaccine recipient's immune systems to kill all of the strains instead of just a branch on the tree.

     At this point, we need to dig a bit deeper into the macabre of what vaccines really are.  Vaccines are virus carcasses, or body parts, and/or otherwise weakened versions of themselves which are able to be mass produced in various types of culture mediums. Those being immunized for viral disease are exposed to this viral stew sprinkled with adjuvants which wake up the immune system and teach it that what just got introduced here is bad and if it appears again - kick its arse.

    Our immune systems are usually really good at this.  They sometimes already have a disdain for something being introduced in the vaccines, and they may also occasionally imprint their paradigm of hatred too well.  Markers other than the virus proteins get picked up from the various cultures used to create the vaccine.  Immediate adverse reactions due to pre-existing allergens occur rarely and are associated often with egg and gelatin allergies.  Peanut allergies, virtually unheard of prior to the 1900's increased dramatically after the 60's as peanut oil became commonly used in vaccine production.  Latex and yeast are less common but also well documented.  Other increasingly common allergic responses like to milk and gluten are also suspect.  For those with these types of allergies, reactions occasionally hit the anaphylactic red line, and fatalities occur.

    The principle by which allergic sensitivities can be generated from vaccines is well established.  Various studies have found correlations between vaccines and food allergy development in particular.  When a vaccine is found to have enough of a protein to cause rare anaphylactic reactions, it definitely has more than enough to cause sensitization.  Debunkings tend to focus on particular well studied vaccines such as DTP, Polio, MMR, Hib, and Hepatitis.  These vaccines have been verified to not be causing allergies with specific symptom such as asthma.  But many vaccines have not been thoroughly studied this way, and the studies that have been conducted are often limited in scope of allergic indicator data available and/or investigated.

     Returning to the knock-out punch utopian ideal.  In our desire to throw that punch, there is an unfortunate limitation.  We have to throw the punch before we can study it well enough to know potential long term effects.  To kill a disease you have to strike while the strain is "hot" so to speak, though there's a sizeable range of slow and rapidly adapting varieties.  The slower they go, the more time we have to get our vaccine right, test to see how safe it is, and to potentially exterminate the virus strain once and for all.  Once the closest thing to patient 0 is found, you need to cook up the vaccine and get it deployed before the strains of disease mutating in the wild change so much that they lose the unique signatures our vaccinated immune systems are being taught to despise.

    There is also a trendy twist to the standard vaccination methods whereby the capabilities of the disease itself are exploited to defeat it.  Vaccine strains can mutate or be engineered to have enhanced transmissibility and/or to become non-lethal or even asymptomatic.  These may be administered at the fringes of an outbreak to try to race ahead with a spread of the disease's wimpy relative inoculating people before the killer version arrives.  This method is also popular for livestock immunization courses because just a few introduced carriers can be used to inoculate an entire herd.  Population density is a key factor in the effectiveness of such mass deployment schemes.  This method is really just a copy of something seen naturally in some viral outbreaks.  During the Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016, for example, in the wild, Ebola produced a natural non-lethal highly transmissible mutation of itself which raced ahead of the disease and immunized many in the path of the outbreak.  It should be noted that this is what kept that outbreak from potentially becoming a regional epidemic killing millions and not medical countermeasures. [Omnicon?]

   This story is not always a rosy picture.  In order for pharmaceutical companies to manufacture this type of controlled burn, the procedure requires two basic steps.  We must both remove lethality and attempt to increase transmissibility.  In a successful implementation, a modified, highly communicable version of this virus that is asymptomatic can race ahead of an outbreak and save potentially millions  The downside is that if it mutates again and becomes lethal while keeping its new man-made racing chassis, this nightmare scenario could lead to a truly horrific pandemic partially caused by ourselves.  In every way, each such deployment is a calculated gamble.  In an extreme circumstance to stave off a major outbreak, this might be worth the risk.  However, some zealots take things a step further and heartily embrace this mechanism as way to deliver as many courses as possible of all varieties of centrally mandated inoculations.  Others argue that this insidious capability being used as a way to administer proscribed inoculations even to those with objections against their will is a certain path to disaster.  Unlike the outcomes in numerous Holywood blockbusters where the supervillain uses this sort of world population snaring mechanism, in real life, there aren't caped heroes overseeing each one of these hopefully well-intentioned dice rolls to make sure each decision made for collective humanity is objectively worth the risk.

    Given all the variables involved, every vaccine has a different efficacy, which is its effectiveness at protecting the immunized from the disease.  Protocols are used to test this efficacy, and models are used to predict the effects of deployment courses.  There are examples of deployed vaccines which turned in underwhelming efficacy.  This is particularly common in cold vaccines which require a very fast turnaround from strain identification to deployment before new vaccine resistant strains appear.  Evidence of cold vaccines causing interference with the body's ability to fight off other attackers is also coming to light and may become more frequently contraindicated given flu vaccine's interference with respiratory viral response.  Heavy Flu vaccination regimes make people more vulnerable to Coronavirus.  This should result in curbing the gung-ho flu shot rallies for lower efficacy courses, especially for the elderly.

     This brings up an important distinction between types of vaccines.  In the case of Smallpox, this vaccine was a knock-out punch style of vaccine.  It gave great hope that medicine would be able to cure just about any disease.  Even if some side effects cropped up, what was that compared to being able to achieve 5 million lives saved?  But would those same side effects be tolerable to stave off this year's fall cold?  Perhaps not.  Most viruses mutate far too quickly for a knock out punch to be delivered.  Not without some major changes to regional isolation norms.  This is the difference between vaccines with the capacity to end a disease, versus those deployed to mitigate the impacts of a strain for those particularly vulnerable or in a particularly afflicted region.

    There is also a countervailing pressure toward the fallacy of comparing potential lives saved against heart-wrenching anecdotal stories of adverse reactions by children to vaccines.  There are an awful lot of people on this rock, so even a vaccine with a tiny adverse reaction frequency can end up with a busload of horror stories.  It is difficult to maintain perspective needed to do the most good and least harm in this situation.

    Logically this is straightforward math.  But math doesn't help when you are consoling a parent grieving for a stricken child.  Some of the people out marching adamantly against vaccines had a child or relative afflicted this way.  Logical or not, they deserve to say their piece.  We'll never know the names and faces of all the lives saved by a vaccine, but there are plenty of names and faces with really bad reactions if you bypass the censorship on this topic.  These sad outcomes shouldn't be hidden.  They should be celebrated.  It is a horrible and unfair sacrifice, but with a well deployed vaccine, for each such sacrifice, tens or hundreds and even sometimes millions have avoided a terrible fate.  Since we can never know who these victims would have been, they are essentially all of us.  So maybe instead of censoring anti-vaxers, we aught to try thanking and honoring them for the sacrifice their kid made for us all.

     Getting back to that calculation of risk versus benefit.  When the lives potentially saved side of the equation for something as mundane as a common cold strain drops per capita death frequencies to numbers lower than deaths by mule kicks or lightning strikes, the unknowable risks begin to loom larger.  At some point, the combined known and unknown risks of long term harm can outweigh the potential benefit.  And sometimes the established risks can start to obviously outweigh the observed benefits.  When that happens, use of that vaccine needs to be curbed or stopped.  Unless we are delivering that knock-out punch to end a disease forever, we are weighing short term mitigation of a disease's impact against accumulating long term unknown side effects.  When we get into the habit of doing this same thing for every new strain of every disease or cold that comes along, society's collective Geiger counter keeps ticking away with more and more unknown risks we've injected into ourselves.

     In evolutionary terms at least, diversity really is our strength.  To keep that diversity we'd have to stay isolated living and dying in the region we were born in or start colonizing the heavens.  Travel here on Earth has become too easy and too necessary for isolated adaptations to flourish.  Only a few isolated human populations remain.  Before the advent of-medicine, evolution worked by natural selection and regional isolation.  Evolution's engine is failure to reproduce for a segment of a population lacking or possessing a specific trait.  This failure to procreate is all too often caused by disease.  Those with a natural variation which provides immunity will live.  Those without it die off or have less babies due to the effects of the disease.  Now the population has evolved with the new disease-generated immunity trait along with any other mutations that came along for the ride.  To the many isolated populations which used to cover the globe, this was a great boon to our overall chance of survival as a species.  We developed an astonishing variety of traits as the cycle of disease and other calamities propelled our evolution, though at a horrible cost.  A cost that the practice of medicine has waged war upon from the start.  With our migratory mingling populations and more advanced medical capabilities, our recent homogenization comes with an Achille's heal.  We're steadily losing our herd diversity and . . . . we aren't evolving any more of it.  This makes us vulnerable to massive pandemics, perhaps awful enough to wipe out all but the most remote among us.

     We are adding to this threat with each new global vaccine course.  Each universally deployed vaccine tacks on a layer of homogeneity to our species.  Another standardized immune response, not genetically adapted, but instead, learned.  Arguably, an inevitable result of this path, is eventually "the big one".  A disease that takes advantage of this ever increasing similarization of ourselves and thins us out so badly it threatens the survival of our species.  Conversely, if we don't destroy a disease completely, each new affliction we are able to avoid by vaccine creates a dependency upon accumulating vaccine deployments.  So, if a problem comes along like civil unrest or a solar flare that sends us back to dark ages for a few decades, a steadily increasing list of diseases we haven't evolved to fight will feast upon us and make us pay the price that we have merely been postponing since advanced medicine came along.

    So should we stop all vaccine use?  Of course not.  But if we are going to kick a disease, we need to get serious about it and kick it all the way.  We also need to submit maintenance plan types of vaccines that have no hope of disease eradication to much more scrutiny.  There needs to be very scrupulous review of cost/benefit considering the full picture.  And there needs to be much better follow up with longer term studies of vaccine recipients so we can better understand the types and scale of unknown long term risks.  If we do this, we can keep getting better at estimating those risks.  Hopefully this will enable us to make the wisest calculation when deciding which vaccines will have more benefit than cost, and also allow us to check later to see if our figures were too optimistic.

     Most of all, this poisonous false dichotomy must be thrust back to the fringes from whence it came.  There is only one generality that is realistic to put forth about vaccines.  They are not all the same.  Some have been deployed where the benefits didn't outweigh the harm.  Vaccine proponents must acknowledge this if they are willing to engage in rational discourse.  And on the other side, it must be acknowledged that vaccines, especially those in the potential knock-out punch category for a deadly disease or needed to curb debilitating regional outbreaks and protect the vulnerable, can be worth the collateral damage.

    I predict a complete end to this debate in the future.  The point will be moot.  Soon we'll be looking back with pity on these primitive times when we had to go through this terrible ritual sacrifice on the viral altar.  How's that?  Am I a Vax denier?  Nah.  My thought is this.  If we're not gene editing ourselves at will in another generation, something has to have gone horribly wrong.  Ironically it seems likely viruses may be one delivery mechanism by which we might accomplish this monumental biotechnological leap.  Once we do, we can simply whip up whatever mutations we need to defeat our unwanted viral foes.  Not in the harsh immune system teaching cycles of prehistoric plague driven evolution or the soon-to-be historical vaxing days . . . but in our very blueprint itself.  I suppose though, this puffy white Mario Brothers cloud does have a sable lining.  The GMO devastation we have already unleashed in the wild is a horror story that is just starting to unfold.  The nightmares to come when we continue mixing and creating more and more varied creatures and redesigning ourselves however we whim things to be, are almost too terrifying to contemplate.  Or maybe just too silly, there's that too.  The beloved manbearpig prophesized by South Park might indeed be a nice pet . . . or trophy, admittedly.  Either way, if we do make it that far before we roll snake eyes, there's gonna be some truly twisted freaky stuff we come up with.

    It is possible the freakiest of stuff imaginable is already in play, in the form of mRNA altering gene therapies being masqueraded as Covid-19 vaccines.  This mode of genetic alteration for targeted protein production is only tangentially related to the concept of vaccines, in that both have something to do with viruses.  That's about where the similarity ends.  All bets are off when we are talking about the global experiment being conducted.  In many examples around the globe, mRNA courses are being deployed forcibly to populations in contravention of the Geneva conventions and the Nuremberg code.  While the legal battles play out in this ideological war for the most basic human right of sovereignty over our bodies, realistically, the horse is already out of the barn on this one.  Manufactured spike protein shedding among the vaccinated will ensure that only the most remote among us will be able to delay whatever consequences will come from this hayride.



The Plandemic

    In late 2019 a gain of function testing lab in Wuhan China, working with Dr. Fauci and the EcoHealth Alliance "somehow" lost control of a nasty virus.  Concerned with the outbreak, the CCP locked down travel to the rest of China but encouraged travel internationally.  This is how the CCP deployed Covid-19 in a biological attack against the rest of the world.  The medical response led to the production and deployment of a new class of medicine.  Instead of providing a husk of viral markers to teach our immune systems what to hate, messenger RNA "vaccines" edit the RNA workhorses in our cells directly kicking the immune system into hyper-drive permanently with no off switch.  Although RNA does not last very long in our cells, nobody truly knows what long term effects this might have.  While it is not the cell's DNA being directly modified, it is well documented that RNA can be reverse transcribed by our cells into their DNA.  While this behavior is most likely rare, it presents a glaring uncertainty, particularly because the RNA in these vaccines is artificially engineered to preserve itself and thereby linger longer in the cells.  An additional concern is antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).  ADE happens where new strains of the virus become more likely to cause severe reactions to those vaccinated for previous strains.  Given the unknowns, it seems extremely risky to subject the general population to such radical measures.

    Fertile women in particular should take a pass on this gamble since an additional concern being noted is that the spike proteins being targeted by these vaccines include syncytin-homologous protein which is essential in placenta formation in mammals including humans.  Reasonably, targeted vaccine deployments may be of benefit for at-risk populations such as the ill and elderly, but as a panacea to quell fear among the healthy public, it is nothing but a devil's bargain.  In particular, forced deployment to those of breeding age or under, might reasonably be considered a crime against humanity.

    Covid 19 testing has been a joke from the start and the laughs keep coming.  The popular PCR test kits have awful accuracy.  Famous examples include positive PCR tests from vegetables, coca-cola, and even PCR tests themselves.   Setting aside these inflated PCR test driven case rates, the Wu-flu has raced around the world apparently unimpeded by hefty prevention measures.  It has a couple of primary features favoring success.  It spreads pretty well, although not nearly to the extent of something like measles with a 15 R0 compared to just 4 R0 tops for Covid 19.  And it mutates fast.  It is clear this class of virus has become endemic and will never be eradicated with a vaccine.

    And then we have the masks.  Draconian edicts in many regions require use of masks and punish noncompliance.  Yet masks have never demonstrated clinical efficacy impeding any kind of virus.  At 0.125 μm, the Wu-flu is even more tiny than many of the viruses already proven to ignore masks entirely.  Even surgical masks do not protect from anything smaller than 100.000 μm.  Trying to stop the spread of any virus with a mask is like trying to stop a swarm of mosquitos with a volleyball net.  In this context, masks are not fit for purpose and when worn regularly, they instead become a bacteria gathering muzzle of conformity.  Frequent mask wearing generates increases in various forms of illness, aggravates breathing conditions, promotes fear and isolation, hides faces of people engaging in crimes, and also hides the suffering in the faces of those being abused by enforcers who are "just doing their job".  For young children, mask wearing creates inability to develop facial recognition and expression comprehension.  This has the potential to destroy empathy in a generation of kids and turn a big chunk of them into pathological serial killers.

    Ironically, the one health measure popular during the Spanish Flu which hasn't been widely re-adopted in the Covid hysteria appears to perhaps be the most effective one of all in truth . . . airflow.  Although the various authoritative institutions continue to bicker about the dispersion method for Covid, it is becoming clear that the common thread for super-spreader events is closed spaces.  Covid appears to be a truly airborne virus which floats rather than falling out upon droplets.  It does not matter if you are 6 feet or 600 hundred feet from the emitter.  Rather, if the air you are breathing becomes saturated by shed, welcome to the Wu-Flu my friend.  What this means is that masks and social distancing do nearly nothing, but fans and open windows could have a major effect.

    In terms of death rate from this virus, for all but the morbidly obese, sickly and elderly, it is no more deadly than the typical flu.  The cognitive dissonance in the initial waves of panic over Covid 19 is perhaps most starkly revealed in the inability to incorporate this information into the nightmare.  In 2020 into 2021, hospitals became ghost towns where the sick feared to tread and where the dead and dying failed to pile up in unusual droves.  Despite this, a large segment of society accepted wildly inflated case rate totals and spikes as evidence C19 posed a clear and present danger.  Those swayed by this propaganda became agnostic regarding the tyrannical measures being inflicted upon a healthy public.  For many, this propaganda played to their fear and ignorance, while for a few lucky elites, there were clear profit and power motives driving their actions.  Complicit mainstream media outlets and academic institutions engaged in fear mongering while big tech censored legitimated science and review by medical professionals and scientists.  Meanwhile, large multi-national corporations enjoyed vast market share gains due to arbitrary, futile lockdowns that bankrupted their small to mid-sized competition.  The beneficiaries of these measures controlled the narrative and stomped efforts to gain the perspective needed to pursue more logical responses.

    One early attempt at a logical response came in the form of a treatment which had demonstrated positive results with SARS.  This treatment is Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  It is a well understood drug prescribed since the 1940's for malaria and nowadays also for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  In theory HCQ taken with zinc can create a barrier at the cell wall blocking coronovirus entry as a preventative measure.  HCQ with zinc also may interfere with replication of the virus.  A Lancet study 22MAY20 terrified the public with heart problem horror stories about hydroxychloroquine which the media vigorously amplified.  The study was later retracted 04JUN20 with profuse apologies from the Lancet after refusal of the authors to submit their data for review.  But the damage was done, and inexplicably continued for months while authorities refused to accept the updated science.  Subsequent studies have demonstrated extremely positive early treatment results, although for late treatment, HCQ is much less effective  For late game treatment, corticosteroids such as Prednisone appear to be effective.  Corticosteroids are commonly used to treat organizing pneumonia.  This is the condition caused by Covid often leading to ventilators which with Covid in particular are a virtual death sentence.  These drugs could have saved hundreds of thousands had the media panic maestros and tech censors not been so successful.  Some frantic governors even outright banned HCQ and then buried their heads in the sand.

    Another therapeutic that has shown tremendously positive results is Ivermectin.  This is a well studied drug, normally prescribed for parasites.  In bench study to bedside applications desperately undertaken in Argentina, Mexico, India, and various other regions, tremendously promising results have been reported.  As with HCQ, Ivermectin suffers from one fatal flaw.  It is generic.  This was the next medicine we saw tarnished by a media hit job, this time on Joe Rogan (among many others) who shared the benefits he experienced with Ivermectin to his massive audience.   Even though it appears Ivermectin may be among the best therapeutics for Covid infection, other brand names under patent like Remdesivir which have demonstrated little benefit in clinical review, continue to be much more widely publicized.

    If our purpose is to destroy Covid permanently and completely, there is a strategy that would very likely succeed.  Both HCQ and Ivermectin have demonstrated profound prophylactic immunity properties.  Voluntary compliance deployment of Ivermectin and/or HCQ worldwide for a few weeks as a prophylactic course could starve Covid (and probably some other nasty viruses as well) to extinction.  Instead, lockdowns along with mandated chipping/tracking plans, bans on treatments, and forced experimental gene therapy injections have moved many government responses beyond the realm of medicine into the tyrannical depravity of regional and global fascism.  The vaccines being mandated have at best undergone truncated test protocols many of which have been fraught with error and all of which have shown a tremendously high incidence of adverse reactions.  Yet sweeping legal protections from liability were bestowed to the pharmaceutical companies involved.

    Human rights abuses continue to be enacted all over the world using the excuse of Covid.  Examples of these abuses include things like travel passes, freedom passes, social scores, tracking apps, microchipping, suspension of congregations religious or otherwise, and even the silencing and jailing of critics.  Mandates (all kinds), proclamations and dictates have no place in medicine or science unless they are used to limit themselves.  The activities underway appear to be an effort to enslave humanity, not any sort of legitimate medical protocol.

    The globalists are brazenly unleashing the new world order they've been diligently working toward for at least a century with the snappy branding of 'The Great Reset'.  The plan is to 'build back better' by subjugating humanity to centralized technocratic rule.  The stated goal is to eradicate concepts like national sovereignty, personal property, money, and travel.  This is an unabashed plot to establish communist oligarchy as the law of all lands.  And to cut the world's population into a tithe of itself.   Check out the blown up Georgia Guidestones for the Cliffs Notes.

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum along with numerous world leaders like Angela of Germany, Justin of Canada and even Boris of Britain have been openly describing and endorsing these schemes.  Their efforts to crush dissent include censorship enforced banishment or prison camps for non-conformists.  Things down under in Australia and especially New Zealand are becoming even more dystopian and look to be the trial run along with Canada, France and Ireland/Scotland for the first western wave of serious tyrannical power grabs.  The rest of the west is on the same path.

    People who test positive using these bogus Wu-Flu tests or who refuse to conform are being taken to concentration camps in areas of Australia, New Zealand, China, Canada. Austria, Italy, and France among others.  Some US states are wading into these thrilling fascist waters now too.  Camps for unvaccinated are being rolled out in Washington State in the U.S.  The plan marches on.  They came for the naked of face, and although the people didn't say nothing, the struggles thus far have failed to halt despotism's advance.  It hangs in the balance whether the people will be able to overthrow their corrupt leadership.  Things are unfolding so rapidly in so many regions, it is hard to follow each battle to see where the war is headed overall.  My 8-ball says "Ask again later".

    Yet there is hope.  The selection of lackluster Covid-19 as the plandemic inflection point seems kinda lame.  Like they drank too much of their own cool-aid before deciding this was the right time to launch their quest for dominion.  Or perhaps, speaking of dominion, they were rushed into Great Reset day prematurely by an election backlash in the US that has become unmanageable.  We shall have to see how this all turns out.  But in terms of public response to lockdowns and other draconian measures, the backlash looks to be rapidly gaining momentum worldwide.  This is an encouraging sight.  Many are opening their eyes just as the Covid panic promotion machine crumbles.  The scare tactics being employed in these global psy-ops are being handily debunked practically in real time for any who care to seek truth.  Awareness is shared under the radar of nascent AI and its technocrat masters the old fashioned way.  Prohibited assemblies of like-minded individuals in rallies, militias and rock bands for example.  Outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes.  An undercurrent gains force in the backwaters of an invigorated alt-tech underground and the Grendelcat joins his peanut-gallery-esque voice with the rebellion.  It is the duty of freedom loving people to resist and be ungoverned.  Unmuzzle, stand and deliver!

Humanity's Epilogue Options

    Human society and culture evolve in a way that is very much driven by a key condition; whether or not the population is within a closed or open system.  In open systems human individuality, innovation and freedom thrive on the fringes.  Pioneers scout the wilds and hammer nature into habitability spawning unique tribes wherever adaptation is successful.  As controlling governments vie for supremacy, there is always a horizon to escape to, for those who want to follow their own path and forge their own environment.  Unfortunately, the anarchy of the fringe has its own horrors.  All of our evils and vices have open season.  Momma nature can be a mean ol' bitch when she wants to be too.  The wild west.

    Red Dead Redemption 2 offers insights.  The gang absconds from town to town and camp to camp as the west expands.  Eventually they come to the realization there is nowhere else new to go.  The coasts of North America were starting to merge into a unified "closed system" at this point in history.  Our hero makes the observation that,

    "Maybe time for folks like us is passed."
 - Arthur Morgan / Red Dead Redemption 2

    In closed systems, eventually, inevitably a single governing entity will come to dominate and force conformity and homogeneity throughout the realm.  After the technological advances of the past century, Earth has most certainly as a whole, entered a phase where it is effectively a closed system.  Unless we break free of these Earthly shackles or have an apocalypse that splits up the emergent global power hegemony, one ring will indeed rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.  This is the ambient, constantly increasing pressure against freedom which any who do not conform are up against.

    It is in America that the strongest resistance to global rule remains.  America was ground zero for the extinction of there even being such a thing as a next horizon on this world.  Though, of course wild pockets of wilderness still remain speckled around the globe, none have the capability to stop the one world governance juggernaut if its eye falls upon their sanctuary.  Now with nowhere to run to, and no way to hide.

    As much of the world's population falls under centralized global tyranny, it is America once more that must become a beacon of freedom to the world.  If America can't get it together and take up this fight once more, our generation will witness the death throes of variability in human governance and affairs.  We will as one become a single cell organism with one nucleus carefully regulating behaviors throughout.  Prison Earth.  If this is inevitable, so be it.  But those who value individual agency must resist by any means necessary to have any hope of postponing the species-wide enslavement unfolding before us - even if just for a brief while longer.

    Below are some relevant items, however please note that given the massive focus vaccines are getting nowadays, I am no longer regularly updating the resources on this page.  The 2022 Lair Central article archive is now the repository with a major portion of articles therein regarding vaccination related news.

The Party Line:
- Vaccines Bring 7 Diseases Under Control - Unicef February '96.
- Bill Gates: Anti-vaccine myths kill children - by Gary Finnegan / Vaccines Today 18MAR11.
- Fact or Fiction?: Vaccines Are Dangerous - by Scientific American 06MAR15.
- Here's How the Anti-Vaxxers' Strongest Argument Falls Apart - by Jeffrey Kluger / Time 19AUG15.
- Vaccines And Asthma Or Allergies - by Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia 10OCT17.
- Debunking Anti-Vaxers - by ASAP Science (YT) 15FEB18.
- You're More Likely To Be Hit By Lightning Than To Have Severe Vaccine Allergy - by Healthline / Julia Ries 08APR19
- Breakthrough in Zika virus vaccine - by University Of Adelaide / Science Daily 13DEC19.
- Ingredients of Vaccines - Fact Sheet - by CDC Living Doc.
- Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness - by CDC Living doc.
- Chasing Influenza - by Smithsonian Living doc.
- Vaccines Work - by HHS.Gov Living Doc.

Apparently Neutral:
- C19Study - Treatment Meta for Covid 19 studies including HCQ, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zinc, REGN-COV2, LY-CoV, Remdesivir
- Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children? - by Living doc.
- The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series - by TTAV Media 13APR17.
- How can coronavirus models get it so wrong? - by Sarah Boseley / Guardian 07APR20.
- Antibody tests suggest that coronavirus infections vastly exceed official counts - by Smriti Mallapaty / Nature 17APR20.

Concerns About Vaccines:
- How Bad Is My Batch - Reference site tracking Covid mRNA gene therapy batches.  The disturbing data demonstrates that there were particular batches with wildly higher than normal levels of adverse reactions up to deaths.  These extra-lethal batches produced 30x the deaths with Pfizer and Janssen and 50x the deaths with Moderna compared to other batches.  For all 3 of these, 5% of batches appear to have produced 90% of the adverse reactions.
- Spike Protein Detox - Theories about some ways to detox post Covid and/or mRNA vax.
- Teyana Obukhanych - Fought the good fight before it was a "thing".  Fantastic old website is long gone now, but she's still on substack it appears.
- House - Airborne 10APR07.  Mass hysteria is indeed a real thing.  Conversion disorder / mass hysteria / mass formation psychosis is the worldwide foundation of fear supporting lockdowns, mask karens, experimental gene therapy deployments etc.
- Vaccine Allergies - by Eun Hee Chung / NCBI (18DEC13) - Egg and gelatin as primary immediate adverse reactions, with yeast and latex possible as well but super rare.
- Biopersistence And Brain Translocation Of Aluminum Adjuvants Of Vaccines - by Frontiers In Neurology 05FEB15.
- Evidence That Food Proteins In Vaccines Cause The Development Of Food Allergies - by Vinu Arumugham / Vaccine Choice Canada 02NOV15.
- New Concerns about the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine - by American College Of Pediatricians 01JAN16.  This one from a highly reputable source finds deep flaws in the safety trials for this vaccine.  Two vaccine chemicals were included in the placebo, Polysorbate 80 and an Aluminum adjuvant.  Testing should have been performed with a true saline solution, not a solution that included vaccine ingredients.  The inclusion of Aluminum adjuvant in the placebo is particularly suspicious because it is one of the most controversial ingredients in vaccines.
- Japanese Government Continues To Ban The MMR Vaccine - by 30JUN16.
- Debunking Aluminum Adjuvant, Part 1: “The Aluminum Is Gone In Just a Few Days!” - by Vaccine Papers 04JUL16.
- Debunking Aluminum Adjuvant, Part 2: FDA’s Flawed Study of Al Adjuvant Toxicity (The Mitkus study) - by Vaccine Papers 03JUL16.
- Exposing the Truth about Vaccines - by Dr. John Bergman (YT) 19SEP16.
- New Study Links Aluminum Adjuvant Via HPV Vaccine To Neuroinflammation & Autoimmune Reactions - by Kalee Brown / Collective Evolution 10FEB17.
- Govt. Still Pushing HPV Vaccine on Kids a Decade after JW Exposed Deadly Side Effects - by Judicial Watch 09MAR17.
- Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children - by Anthony R. Mawson et al. / OAT 24APR17.
- New HPV Vaccine With DOUBLE The Aluminum - by Health Freedom Idaho 25APR17.
- Stephanie Seneff - Glyphosate in MMR: Does This Explain the Autism Link - by AutismOne Media (YT) 29MAY17.
- Six Reasons To Say NO to Vaccination - by Sarah Pope MGA / The Healthy Home Economist 05JUN17.
- Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio - by Jason Beaubien / NPR 28JUN17.
- Earth/Sun News & VAXXED Discussion Podcast - by Ben Davidson / Suspicious Observers (YT) 13AUG17.  Review of the documentary movie, Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe.  The review features concerns of moderate skeptics about the shenanigans around safety review of vaccines, particularly, the MMR vaccine.  Having seen VAXXED myself, I would suggest that anecdotal heartstring docudramas like this are counterproductive to the effort to get serious investigation stepped up.  My propaganda warning lights were going off 5 minutes into it and didn't ever stop.  A shame, because in the brief breaks between sick kid horror stories, there was some legit science and rational argument.
- Study Prompts Call To Examine Flu Vaccine and Miscarriage - by Mike Stobbe / AP 13SEP17.
- Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G - by Environmental Health Trust 13SEP17.  A major concern is the negative effect on the immune system.
- That Flu Shot You Got This Year May Not Protect You. Here's Why - by Pam Wright / 05DEC17.
- Reconsideration of the immunotherapeutic pediatric safe dose levels of aluminum - by James Lyons-Weiler et al. / Science Direct 02FEB18.  Little details like considering the weight of the patient when injecting them with things, particularly when they are an infant were missed along with a number of other important variables when conducting safety studies.
- Study: Yeast In Vaccines Linked to Auto-immune Diseases - by Children's Health Defense / Collective Evolution 27MAR18.
- Study Predicts 2018 Flu Vaccine Will Likely Have 20 Percent Efficacy - by Rice University / Science Daily 19APR18.
- The Syncytin Gene: Viruses Responsible for Human Life - by Reza Rezaei / I Science 05JUN18.  The spike proteins that permit placenta function in mammals is very similar to Sars/Covid class of viruses.
- Fresh Scandal Erupts Over Vaccine Safety In China - by Dominique Patton / Reuters 22JUL18.
- Potential Allergens List - by Institute For Vaccine Safety 04DEC18.
- The Cochrane HPV Vaccine Review Was Incomplete And Ignored Important Evidence Of Bias - by Lars Jorgensen et al. / BMJ Journals 27JUL18.
- Medical police state cuts off research funding from scientist who found that vaccines cause autism - by Ethan Huff / Natural News 11APR19.
- Mumps study shows immunity gaps among vaccinated people - by Emory Health Sciences / Science Daily 02SEP19.
- Two Strains of Polio Are Gone, But The End Of The Disease Is Still Far Off - by Donald G. McNeil Jr. / New York Times 23OCT19.
- Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference - by Wolff GG / DOD 10JAN20.  Flu vaccine causes increased risk of coronavirus.  "Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus".
- Is the Coronavirus Linked to China’s Rollout of 5G and Biowarfare? - by Michael Salla / Exonews 21FEB20.
- Bill Gates’ Digital Tattoo Implant to Track COVID-19 Vaccine Compliance - by Afshin Yaghtin / Principia Scientific 31MAR20.  Here is a model detailing the recompense Bill so richly deserves for this . . . special idea.  Mr. Bill's Safety Tips - by Walter Williams et al. / SNL (YT) 28FEB76.
- UK Government Lockdown Policy May Be Based on Dodgy Modelling - by James Delingpole / Breitbart 01APR20.
- Bio-Tech Firm's Video Explaining Potential UV Light Treatment for Coronavirus Patients - by Mark Pimentel / Cedars Sinai / AYTU Bioscience 20APR20.  Healight.
- Dr. Erickson COVID-19 briefing - by KGET TV17 Bakersfield (BC) 22APR20.  There are problems with this extrapolation of the % sick among those tested to a general population infection rate.  These tests are largely being given only to those having symptoms so these overall results are likely to skew to a moderately higher rate than the general population.  The truth is probably someplace in between.  In the few studies thus far pursuing randomized testing, significant background populations positive for antibodies are being found.  Regardless, their core premise remains unscathed - this being in regards to the miniscule death rate per known cases.  It is becoming obvious that if anything, the death rate from a case of the Wuhans is equal to or lower than typical flu.
- Bill Gates Vaccine Killed 10x More Children than the Target Disease - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. / Principia Scientific 24APR20.
- Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history - by Cheryl K. Chumley / Washington Times 28APR20.
- Dear China, Please lie less: A comprehensive chronology of China’s COVID-19 lies, malfeasance, and incompetence - by Paige Rogers / NOQ Report 29APR20.
- COVID-19 is a Huge Hoax Perpetrated By Media - by Joseph Curl / Principia Scientific 29APR20.
- Faulty coronavirus kits suspected as goat and fruit test positive in Tanzania - by Ben Cost / NY Post 06MAY20.
- The Lancet Retracts Hydroxychloroquine Study - by Ralph Ellis / Web MD 05JUN20.
- Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb? - by Science With Dr. Doug 01AUG20.
- Finally, States Are Retracting Hydroxychloroquine Bans - by Christina Herrin / Townhall 27AUG20.
- What is Covid-19, SARS-2. How is it Tested? How is It Measured? The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis - by Michel Chossudovsky / Global Research 01SEP20.
- Prophylaxis for Covid-19 - by Ronald L Conte Jr. / 10SEP20.
- Study shows hydroxychloroquine may be effective for outpatients with COVID-19 - by David Hogberg / Washington Examiner 27OCT20.
- Dark Winter - by tangentopolis 30OCT20.
- The Campaign To Wipe Out Polio Was Going Really Well … Until It Wasn’t - by Jason Beaubien / NPR 30OCT20.
- Mask Facts - by AAPS 26SEP20.  Masks don't stop viruses.
- Denmark plans to cull its mink population after coronavirus mutation spreads to humans - by Reuters 04NOV20.  This potential new variant using its engineered racing chassis could be the actual big one brewing.  Here's a thought . . .  stop farming minks, its a disgusting and now potentially unhealthy practice.  That said, the idea of this many animals being "culled" is about as horrifying as it gets.
- A timeline of the great reset agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020 - by Tim Hinchliffe / Sociable 17NOV20.
- Brits Who Test Negative For Covid-19 Could Get 'Freedom Pass' To Avoid Restrictions - by Siladitya Ray / Forbes 23NOV20.
- ‘Zombie’ minks rise from Denmark’s mass graves after COVID-19 slaughter - by Natalie O'Neill / NY Post 25NOV20.
- Recurrent SARS-CoV-2 mutations do not significantly increase transmissibility - by Angela Betsaida B Laguipo, BSN / News Medical 26NOV20.
- Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it - by Peter Andrews / RT 27NOV20.
- Will an RNA Vaccine Permanently Alter My DNA? - by Science With Dr. Doug 27NOV20.
- Doctors Come Forward, Warn CDC To Tell America the Truth About COVID - by C. Douglas Golden / Western Journal 30NOV20.
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Why The COVID-19 Vaccine Should Be FORBIDDEN and Avoided At All Cost - by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. / Humans Are Free 30NOV20.
- COVID19 Testing in Tatters As Fake Science is Exposed - by Howard Steen & Saji Hameed / Principia Scientific 30NOV20.
- British Elite Army Unit To Spy On & Combat 'Anti-Vax Militants' - by Tyler Durden / Zerohedge 01DEC20.
- WTF Is The Great Reset? - Bearing (BC) 01DEC20.
- Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition - by Dr. Wodarg et al. / 2020news 01DEC20.  COVID-19 Vaccine mechanism that can cause sterilization of women.  Note these Drs. are ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and lung specialist / former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.
- China Lied, People Died, and CNN Belatedly Admits It - by Styxhexenhammer666 (BC) 02DEC20.
- Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown - by Celia Farber / Uncover DC 03DEC20.  80-97% false positives.
- The Assault Against Early Treatment for COVID-19: How One Congressional Hearing Speaks Volumes about America’s Failed Response to the Pandemic - by Donald C. Pompan et al. / Desert Review 03DEC20.
- Rand Paul: No Scientific Evidence ‘Tyrannical’ Lockdowns Work - by Steve Watson / Summit News 08DEC20.
- UK issues allergy warning about Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine after patients fall ill - by Lee Brown / NY Post 09DEC20.
- Australia terminates University of Queensland vaccine deal with CSL after false positives for HIV - by Melissa L. Davey / Guardian 10DEC20.
- FDA approves genetically altering pigs, to potentially make food, drugs, and transplants safer - by Elizabeth Cooney / Statnews 14DEC20.
- COVID-19 spread increases when UV levels decrease - by Harvard 15DEC20.
- New Study: Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide (But the Lie Continues) - by HAF 24DEC20.
- Open Schools, Covid-19, and Child and Teacher Morbidity in Sweden - by Jonas F. Ludvigsson et al. / New Englan Journal of Medicine 06JAN21.  Millions attending classes in Sweden and no increase in the Coof.
- Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response - by Long Chi Nguyen et al. / NIH 10MAR21.  Yup, weed might indeed be what we need after all . . .
- The Devotion to The Covid Cult - Cullen / Computing Forever (BC) 10NOV21.
- Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath - by James O'Keefe / Project Veritas 10JAN22.
- Dr Mike Yeadon: The variability in serious adverse events by vaccine lot is the “calibration of a killing weapon” - by Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 11JAN22.
- Uninformed Consent - Matador Films 31JUL22.
- List of Post-Vaccination Resources - Rhoda Wilson / Exposé 03OCT22.

- 1st Image: Flu Vaccine Prototype by NIAID (CC2.0) Link
- 2nd Image: Marburg Vaccine Trial by U.S. Army file photo (Public Domain) Link
- 3rd Image: Antivax CDC Poster by AJ Wilson (Public Domain) Link
- 4th Image: Be Rational Get Real by brokrek (Public Domain) Link
- 5th Image: Vaccines Work by Raed Monsour (CC2.0) Link 



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